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ML Work

Machine Learning Work

Back in 2022 I took an introduction to Machine Learning with the wonderful Karen Mazidi who gave us a large overview of both data science basics, and basic machine learning. The class was project based, with a focus on providing documentation of the process.

Learning in R

We covered using R for a variety of algorithms:

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • kNN
  • k-means Clustering
  • Decision Trees and Random Forests
  • Support Vector Machines

As well as best practices for picking good attributes for analysis, cleaning up data in CSVs, and visualizing the results

Learning in Python

We then pivoted to implementing these solutions in the Python package ecosystem, using:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Seaborn

To implement all the algorithms we just learned. Python allowed us to branch into Neural Networks using Keras for the implementation of zero-shot classification


We even touched on Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian nets, but not much on their implementation

Continued Work

This class carried into my work in NLP, which happened to coincide with the emergence of Open-AI’s ChatGPT. Check it out for work on more advanced neural nets

The Projects

While I will leave my original code open source on github the following brief summaries will link to pdfs summarizing the projects.

Out of anything I would recommend reading my Keras Image Classification paper for a good picture of the progress made in this class. Needless to say this was maybe the second most impactful class of my degree, right before NLP.

Last update : November 15, 2023
Created : October 25, 2023