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Howdy There!

This website hosts my work from my ML experience at UTD. I learned to create primarily predictive models on structured data utilizing R and Python to implement linear regression to deep learning.

My academic journey in Computer Science was transformative, but it was my focus on machine learning that truly shaped my passion and expertise. The hands-on experience I gained has fueled my desire to continue learning and growing in the field of data science.

Influenced by my professor, who transitioned from industry to academia, I too am considering a similar path. I believe that real-world experience can provide invaluable insights that can be brought back into academic or research settings.

Feel free to explore my projects and reach out if you have any questions or opportunities that align with my interests.


If you want the quick version of my skills, just look over my short and sweet resume.

My Projects

Out of my different projects, I’m most proud of the work I did researching explainability in attention based models and fine tuning Google’s MobileNetV2 for identifying grains of rice.

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You can view all of my introduction to machine learning work as well as my natural language processing work as pdfs here, or look at the source on github.

I can’t wait to do more projects and add more experince to this site!

Keep up with Zaiquiri

This month I’ll be committing nanowrimo and begin work on a podcast where I talk through common programming problems and algorithms through the lense of science fiction and AI. I hope to not only improve as a critical thinker but help explain difficult concepts to other people as well. I’ll post my progress here in updates once I get started!

Last update : October 29, 2023
Created : September 5, 2022